High pressure causes air to flow down and heat up. Low pressure causes air to rise, cool, and condense into rain clouds. Wind is not the only factor that influences precipitation.

Additionally, other stations in the area record either no wind, slower wind, or wind that is more easterly. At this rate, it would take over 10 hours for rain to reach the city. In the example image, a northeastern arrow with a wind speed of 17 kilometers per hour is about 180 kilometers away from Alexandria. In the table, click the Air Temperature (☏) field and choose Statistics.In the Contents pane, point to the NOAA METAR Temperature layer and click Show Table.Next, you'll calculate statistics to find out the range of temperatures around the world. How does the temperature where you live compare to the temperature in the surrounding area? Does the recorded temperature match the temperature you're currently experiencing? If not, what might have caused the difference?.What effect might oceans and large water bodies have on temperature? How do temperatures tend to differ between coastal and inland areas at the same latitude?.Are there any areas where altitude is causing temperatures that aren't explained by latitude or seasonal variation?.Name one area that will likely experience the same temperatures three months from now. Name two areas that will likely experience much different temperatures three months from now.Name two areas where latitude is the most likely explanation for observed temperature.

Which areas have the most data? Which areas have the least?.